Treasures Report
The current checking balance is $3,228.79. Dick Splant memorial donations totaled $1,145.00 and Tod Schnowske's Art X2 fundraiser brought in $400.00 for the art league. Tina asked that the board agree on an amount that the board can spend without prior approval. The board agreed on the amount of $50.00. A receipt is required for reimbursement no matter what the amount is.
The board discussed whether a board member could get reimbursed for expenses if that member had to travel far or spend the majority of a day away from home to represent the league. The board agreed that under very unique circumstances and with board approval first they may be able to receive reimbursement for expenses such as gas or lunch.
General committee news / planning
Majorie O'Dowd from Markym Interior Designs was in attendance at the meeting to inform the league about the Cavalcade of Homes that will take place this year in Plainfield June 28th through July 30th. There will be 6 builders doing 8 homes. The home that Majorie will be working on will have a casual family feel and they would like original art from the PAL to showcase in the home. Installation of the work will take place in June. Sheryl will put info in the newsletter to let members know about the opportunity. Marjorie will also be able to view some of the members work at the gallery when the first "member's exhibit" goes up in May. Sheryl also told her to look at our website to get an idea of some of the members work.
Tuesday night May 6th PAL will host the AFA's board meeting. Sheryl invited anyone who is interested in coming to join them. She also mentioned that PAL is still in need of a delegate for the AFA and if anyone is interested in the position they should come Tuesday night to see what their meetings are like and learn more about them.
May 7th Cindy Egizio's elementary students will be at the gallery for a field trip. The field trip is to introduce them to art in the real world.
Leona Kelly will cover the May 8th "open gallery". The board agreed to keep promoting the open gallery a few more months to help it get more interest.
May 15th Sheryl will be meeting with Amy DeBoni and Alex Harris to review PAL's business plan and presentation to the Village Board of Trustees. Sheryl will relay more information later on what time and where.
The current exhibit of instructor's art will be removed some time between the 12th and the 14th so that the PNHS student exhibit can be hung and ready for the show opening on the 16th.
Plainfield Spring Fest starts Friday May 16th at 5:00 in the evening.
On May 20th Sheryl will be heading a meeting with Mainstreet Plainfield called "Merchant's Collaboration Meeting". It's about ideas on how to become a better buyer. It will be from 8:30 am to 9:30 am and everyone is invited to attend.
Plainfield Park District is planning an event called "chalk it up" on July 5th from 5pm to 8pm in the PCHS parking lot. It will be set up for 48 entrants and they would like PAL to provide 3 judges. It is not approved by the high school yet, but plans are in the works. Sheryl will put a note in the newsletter for Volunteers.
Settler's Part Art Fair has been cancelled for this year. Sheryl recommends that we prepare a proposal for what our involvement will be for next year. She plans to meet with the organizers again soon.
Gladys Fox Museum will hold its annual event June 16th from 1 to 9pm. It will only be a 1 day event this year instead of the 2 days it was held for in the past. Sheryl will follow up on that and get the info in the next newsletter.
The PAL will soon start selling the members art that is on display at the gallery. Each artist would need to complete a W-9 along with a release of liability. We will also need a 3 part receipt book. Joe may have one to donate, and if not, Sheryl will purchase one. 15% of the sale plus sales tax will go to PAL and 85% will go to the artist. Only checks and cash will be accepted. If the check is bad the board agreed that the artist incurs the loss and not the league. All instructors will also be required to fill out a W-9. Marge expressed concern about where the W-9's will be stored. The board agreed to purchase a safety deposit box. A motion was made and seconded to approve the selling of art and the requirement for all artists that have work for sale and all teachers to fill out a W-9.
The board approved the spending of $320.00 for the purchase of a storage unit and a water dispenser.
Sheryl announced that there are 5 people interested in teaching youth art classes. Sheryl and Marge will set up an instructors meeting.
Business was concluded.