General committee news / planning
Sheryl has volunteered to do the June demo. She will demonstrate how to work with fuzzed glass.
The park district is having a public meeting Wednesday June, 11th at 6:00 regarding the park across the street from the gallery. Sheryl asked if anyone would be interested in attending the meeting to learn about what the park district has in mind for the park. Colleen volunteered to go.
Cruise nights have started up again this summer. They are held every Tuesday night. The board discussed the possibility of having the gallery open during that time, but agreed that we need to see if there is anyone interested in being in the gallery at that time first so we will have a sign up sheet at the June demo to see if there is any interest.
The member's exhibit will be called "In the heat of the art". The exhibit will run from June 15th thru August 12th. Drop off will be on Saturday June 14th from 11 to 1:00 at the gallery. All members are welcome and can bring up to two pieces. Pick up will be at the Wednesday demo in August. Our July 9th program will be a member's picnic and pot luck with judging, a critique of the members work and awards handed out. Sheryl will put out an email to all the members about the July 9th picnic. Tina will update the forms that members will have to fill out for exhibiting in the gallery and she will send the forms out with a reminder of the demo before Wednesday.
The next exhibit that will go up in August will be a student exhibit. Anyone who has taken a class at PAL can exhibit their work in this show. District 202 summer students and JJC students may also be invited. August 16th will be the drop off day and it will be on display until Sept 10th. The show will be called "Hazy lazy days of summer student art exhibit". The board agreed that the non-member fee will be waved for the first student show.
Future shows will be:
Fall exhibit, Sep. thru Oct. – members exhibit titled "Fall Forward"
Holiday exhibit, Nov. thru Dec. – members exhibit titled "Celebrate Art"
Winter exhibit, Jan thru Feb. – members exhibit to get ready for AFA Best of Best show titled "PAL Best of Best" This show will consist of all the award winning art from all the previous shows and 10 pieces will be selected by judges to represent PAL in the AFA show.
Business was concluded.