Plainfield Art League would like to congratulate the award-winning artists of it's Annual "Best of the Best" Exhibit held at the Plainfield Public Library from January 16 to February 13, 2013. Acrylics, oils, pastel, photography, watercolor, mixed media, graphite and colored pencil artwork were some of the mediums included in this year's impressive show. PAL members voted their favorites, allowing top artworks inclusion in the annual prestigious Alliance of Fine Arts "Best of the Best" Exhibition 2013 held at the Mayslake Peabody Estate in Oak Brook, Illinois, from March 16 through April 4.
Congratulations to this year's award winners: Debbie Hart, Mike Bessler, Amy S.Turner, Gloria Moses, Freddie Harmon, Courtney Weed, Ron Girard and Cheryl Carmen with "People's Choice" honors going to JoAnn Deck and Amy S.Turner. All entries will be up on the website soon....
Thank you all for your participation! Wonderful work everyone!!!
Plainfield Art League
PO Box 1543, Plainfield, Il 60544